Sunday, May 22, 2011

Speedpaint Week 8

It is week 8 already, and we have NOT fallen off the wagon!! XD

First, thanks to Jeff and Nick for taking over the speedpaints. We are changing up the structure of the sketch challenges slightly in order to up the difficulty of these challenges. We'll still rotate between our list of concept art categories, but we will all try to add more elements to each painting; for example, a prop or a creature should be included with a character.
This week's topic was either to paint a knight or the European folklore character Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga is basically a witch-like old lady with metal teeth that flies around woodlands on a giant mortar and kidnaps children as a hobby. She also lives in a hut that for some reason stands on chicken legs. Though she is usually a stock antagonist, sometimes she is consulted by heroes for her wisdom too. Amazing job again, everyone!

Also, our website header is finally up! Hopefully it's a nice showcase of how far we've come this quarter and how hard we kick ass in general ;)

Annick Huber
Jeff Yu
Nick Palmer
Irene Strychalski
Keren Philosophales
Lily Cho

Speedpaint Week 7

This was an exceptionally hectic week for everyone, since the actual meeting was cancelled in addition to it overlapping with some school events; but it's nothing to worry about! I know a few people are still catching up to their Week 7 speedpaints, so we'll look forward to seeing those, and thanks for everyone who is still sending in stuff.
The topic this time was "Dragons blowing up in any time or place"

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Club meeting changes!

Hey guys, just to keep everyone updated, seeing as many students were out of town or sick, the meeting this Friday was canceled. Also, since I have just started a new job and can't get back to SCAD until at least 7PM on Fridays, I regrettably won't be available to run speedpaint challenges anymore.
I believe that either Nick or Jeff have mentioned that they could take over the Friday meetings; nomatter who ends up taking charge of it, we can still continue to get together every Friday and paint. I will still head to SCAD as soon as I'm off work to collect the speedpaints, and I'll continue to moderate this blog.

Sorry for the sudden change, guys! These speedpaints have been a great experience for me, and I'm sure we have all visibly improved because of them. I really hope we won't fall off just because it's the end of the quarter.

With that said, meeting or not, we still have a painting topic this week!! We are doing creatures, and the subject is "Dragons blowing up in any time period or setting". Everyone will have until next Friday to draw something. Lets continue to blow this shit up (pun intended), guys! ;)


Friday, May 6, 2011

Speedpaint Week 6

Hey all! We were sadly missing a few people, but still got a load of smashing submissions. Since it is week 6, we're starting the topic cycle over again. Our subject today was a "futuristic, underwater military transport going to war".
Remember if anyone wants to touch up this weeks challenge, you still have a week! Thanks guys.

Max Currie
Jerrell Drakes

Chris Lane

Irene Strychalski
Nick Zamudio
Jeff Yu
Keren Philosophales
Jeremy Cropp