Sunday, June 10, 2012

Back on the road!

Time to shake off the dirt, oil the rust, and kick things back into gear because the concept art factory is starting back up again! We had to take a hiatus because many of our members have been focusing on senior projects. We want to congratulate all summer 2012 Graduates of SCAD, you all are about to embark on an even greater journey. We wish you lots of luck and our blessings as you venture forth into a new phase of life!

That being said, we are pleased to showcase senior projects related to concept art produced this school year. If you are a SCAD graduate who wish to have your work uploaded, please send your submissions to with your name, title of the piece and no more than a paragraph describing you project (NOT EACH PIECE).

We have a few things in store for upcoming challenges. First off, we will have an exquisite corpse silhouette design event where all students start the initial silhouette drawing, then after a few minutes, the students hand them off to the student to their left. The next student will take the already existing design and just add on to it. This will continue until each design has been worked on by every student. At the end of the event, each student will take the design they are given and start fleshing it out with value before moving on to color studies.

The exquisite corpse is a technique developed by the surrealist movement to help artists "see" objects defined by shape. Our eyes have a tendency to draw connections between forms to create something recognizable.

So that will be our first upcoming challenge- stay tuned because there will be more!
Have a safe and wonderful summer!

-Concept Art Factory

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